Soft tissues includes any of the following: Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Fascia, Connective Tissue or Nerve Entrapments. Soft tissue manual techniques are either widely neglected or underutilized by most chiropractors and physical therapists, unless they have specialized training.

Dr. Lassiter is full-body certified in Active Release Technique® (ART).

ART® is regularly used on the most elite athletes in the world. Very few Richmond providers are certified in ART®.

We are certified in Graston® Technique.

Graston® uses 6 different tools that contour around the body. The tools are used to reduce and heal scar tissue.

Our deepest penetrating soft tissue therapy is called Radial Pulse Therapy (also called shockwave).

This is for muscle, tendon, and connective tissue problems that have created chronic tension, stiffness, and pain, often being difficult to resolve.

Dr. Lassiter is certified to perform Trigger Point Dry Needling.

Dry needling releases and melts away trigger point “knots” and tight bands in your muscles. It’s very effective at resolving stubborn muscle dysfunction.

We use High Powered Class IV Laser Therapy.

Class IV Laser Therapy drastically accelerates and improves the quality of the healing of injured tissues, while also dramatically decreasing pain and inflammation.

Dr. Lassiter uses Kinesio Taping®, which continues to work on an area once an office treatment has ended.

Kinesio Taping improves muscle function, increases blood circulation, reduces swelling, stabilizes joints and relieves pain.  It is surprisingly effective.

We use Active Therapeutic Movement with the ATM2 in order to immediately improve painful movements.

The ATM2 is used to immediately improve how a patient moves and to make movements pain-free.